Summit Descriptions

Here are descriptions of all the summit areas of the tops on the Bob Graham Round.

The title of each top links to Ann Bowker’s site where there is a fantastic set of panoramas from all the tops that are in the Wainright series of books. This does mean that Ill Crag and Broad Crag don’t have their own panoramas since they are only included as sub-chapters in the Scafell Pike section.

No. Name of Top Height (m) Summit description
1 Skiddaw 931 The summit area is in the shape of an upturned boat with the actual summit at the Northern end. There is a cairn and an OS trig point at the highest point.
2 Great Calva 690 Despite being a heathery fell, the summit area is quite rocky. There are two summits about 100m apart and linked by a wire fence with the Northern one being the higher
3 Blencathra 868 The summit area is grassy and gently sloping to the north. The summit is marked by a small cairn at the top of Hall's Fell Ridge.
4 Clough Head 726 A grassy summit area. There is an OS trig point and a stone shelter at the highest point.
5 Great Dodd 857 A large summit area with a cairn at the Northern end and a stone shelter at the Southern. In between is a rise that appears to be higher than either. Assume that the cairn is the highest point.
6 Watson Dodd 784 The least pronounced summit on the round. A cairn at the western end of the grassy plateau, overlooking Thirlmere marks the highest point.
7 Stybarrow Dodd 843 A grassy summit area with three cairns. The Northern cairn is the summit.
8 Raise 883 An extensive rocky summit area. That part to the south is less rocky but extends for some distance. The summit is marked by a large cairn just to the East of the main path.
9 White Side 862 A stony, but fairly small summit area with a large cairn marking the top.
10 Helvellyn Lower man 920 A rocky top with a small cairn situated at the top of the North ridge being the highest point.
11 Helvellyn 945 A lot of summit furniture on this one! The highest point is marked by an OS trig point on the edge of the northern escarpment dropping down to Red Tarn. A shelter made of cross of stone walls lies around 50m SE.
12 Nethermost Pike 891 A flat summit plateau with several cairns. That at the Northern end probably being the highest point.
13 Dollywaggon Pike 858 The summit is a narrowing ridge with a small cairn at the Northern end overlooking Grizedale marking the top.
14 Fairfield 873 A broad rocky plateau with the summit marked by a large, low cairn-shelter.
15 Seat Sandal 736 A flat summit area with several rocky outcrops. An old drystone wall runs along the top and the summit is marked by a cairn near to this.
16 Steel Fell 549 A prominent summit with the highest point close to a corner in the wire fence.
17 Calf Crag 531 A confusing summit area, especially in mist. The highest point is a rocky ridge with a small cairn, just to the West of the path leading to Helm Crag.
18 Sergeant Man 726 A rocky ridge rising from the surrounding moor marks the summit. Popular with walkers taking their lunch.
19 High Raise 760 The summit area is a large grassy dome interspersed with peat hags and pools. The summit is marked by an OS trig point and a large stone shelter.
20 Thunacar Knott 723 A wide summit plateau with many small rocky tors which can be confusing in mist. The summit is marked by a cairn.
21 Harrison Stickle 736 The summit area is a well defined rocky plateau with the highest point at the Northern end.
22 Pike O Stickle 709 One of the best defined summits in the district. A cairn marks the highest point though this is hardly without doubt.
23 Rossett Pike 651 The summit lies at the southern end of a long rocky ridge, overlooking Rossett Gill. It is marked by a small cairn. Note that there is another cairn to the East overlooking Langdale but this is lower.
24 Bowfell 902 A large and very rocky summit area with the top being a prominent rise at the Southern end.
25 Esk Pike 885 A rocky summit with the actual top being a cairn to the north of the path which lies in a curious cutting.
26 Great End 910 A broad stony plateau with two possible tops. Wainwright reckons the Eastern one to be higher, though there is little in it.
27 Ill Crag 931 A rocky ridge at the Southern end of a wide stony plateau marks the summit.
28 Broad crag 935 Perhaps the roughest summit in Lakeland. A large rock among equals marks the top.
29 Scafell Pike 978 The summit is defined by a large stone built platform. This is usually hidden by collapsed Three Peak Challengers.
30 Scafell 964 The highest point lies to the South of a broad saddle and consists of several stone shelters and cairns.
31 Yewbarrow 628 A simple summit with a small cairn atop a rocky ridge.
32 Red Pike 816 The summit area is a sloping plateau with a steep drop to the North overlooking Mosedale. The summit is marked by a large cairn on the very edge of this drop.
33 Steeple 802 The summit is atop a well defined pyramid lying to the north of the main Ennerdale escarpment.
34 Pillar 892 The summit area is a small stony plateau with the highest point marked by an OS trig point and small stone shelter.
35 Kirkfell 802 The top of Kirkfell is a very large plateau with two prominent tops separated by small tarns. That to the South is the highest and the summit is marked by a large cairn.
36 Great Gable 899 One of the rockiest tops in the district. The summit overlooks Wasdale and is marked by a cairn and a memorial plaque.
37 Green Gable 801 The summit area is a mixture of rock and grass sloping to the north with a rough cliff facing South. The top is marked by a large cairn.
38 Brandreth 715 An indistinct top with several points being contenders for the highest point. The most likely is the central cairn.
39 Grey Knotts 697 A fine little summit with a small cairn sitting atop a large rocky ridge.
40 Dale Head 753 The summit area is a ridge, defined on the north by a steep drop into Newlands valley but gentler slopes to the South. The ridge is rocky to the West but the summit is marked by a cairn at the Eastern end.
41 Hindscarth 727 A non-descript stony summit area with a large cairn marking the highest point.
42 Robinson 737 The summit area consists of two parallel rocky ridges with the top marked by a cairn on the Western one.