Cwm Silyn and Cwellyn, Eifionydd

The cover of the Cwm Silyn Guidebook

I am one of the co-authors of this guidebook. Paul Jenkinson is the other. I am responsible for the Cwm Silyn, Dyffryn Nantlle and Cwm Pennant sections, with Paul writing the descriptions of Castell Cidwm, Llechog and the crags around Beddgelert forest.

These areas were meant to be combined into the recent Tremadog and Meirionydd guides as one volume, though this would have resulted in a huge guide! Then, it was going to be packaged with the forthcoming Cloggy guide, but this fell through. The two guides (Cloggy and Cwm Silyn) were then to be be separate guides but sold as a pair. That idea also fell by the wayside resulting in this guide appearing some time (November 2003) before the Cloggy guide.

All guidebook writers are human (still!) and as such are subject to all the normal failings. Despite our best efforts there are mistakes

The Errata

Page Alteration Submitted by
61 Eastern Arete: There has been a rockfall on the top pitch. The best means of avoiding it is on the left Myself
77 Crucible: The peg has been missing for some time. It may be considered slightly harder than the given grade of HVS. Should be E1 to be on the safe side Myself
81 Kirkus’s Route: The start of the description for P2 is slightly wrong. The first sentence should read: “Step left then move up to a spike.” Myself