Web Resources for the Eiger North Face

The following are some of the more interesting web links about the North Face of the Eiger.

Information Sites

Alpinist Magazine

Short account with good photo of the north face and routes

The Free Dictionary

Some basic info


Some basic info - short history and the like.

A site linked to a live broadcast by Swiss TV.

Web Cams


A webcam looking cross the north face from Grindelwald.

The view looking from Scheidegg.

Personal Accounts

Paul Harrington

An account of a winter ascent of the classic 1938 route.

Catherine Destivelle

Catherine’s solo ascent.

Current record

An example of how to move quickly from the current holder for the quickest time to climb the north face.

Good for a laugh

Dramatic, even melodramatic. Climbing hyperbole. Not at all sure if this is meant to be serious!


The best book about the early attempts and ascents of the Eiger north face. (The author was one of the first ascent party). In fact this is one of the best climbing books around.

Not only includes the Eiger but other major climbs.

If anyone has other links to personal accounts or information pages I would be only too pleased to include them.